Ever wondered what is all the rave about using Wool Dryer Balls? If you are one who is frugal, eco-friendly, zero waste and living a toxic free life, then these are a total win!
I displayed my very used wool dryer balls to display how fantastic they have held up. I purchased these on April 2017, they have held up quite well! These were purchased these Wool Dry Balls (Amazon Affiliate Link) on Amazon.
Toxic Chemicals
- Did you know that fabric softener dryer sheets are full of TOXIC CHEMICALS? As a result of the use of these chemicals in dryer sheets they have the potential to cause cancer, allergens, asthma and so much more. Which is why I replaced my dryer sheets with dryer balls.
- Now that I use wool dryer balls I no longer spend money on buying dryer sheets or nor I am concerned about toxic chemicals affecting my daughter. As she was born premature and has food allergies, so I take extra precaution when it comes to her health and what she’s exposed to as I don’t want any other health issues to arise.
- Take a look at some of the most used popular brands below. Thankfully I can check each product in my home and check how toxic and harmful each product is. I’m so grateful to come across EWG, they are a non-profit website dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. It is because of there eye opening information that I have made it a mission to change my lifestyle. Take a peek at EWG website and look around. You will be shocked at how many products in your household are extremely toxic and harmful. EWG gives each product a score from A to F. A grade of A (color coded green) signifies that the product is least harmful and an F (color coded red) signifies most potential harm.
How To Add Scent To Dryer Balls
Some people miss the smell that the dryer sheets produce. I know I did, so I found a more natural and safer way. A simple solution is adding a couple of drops of essential oil of your choice to get that wonderful clean, fresh or floral smell without the toxic chemicals. I typically use Lavender Essential Oil. Its my absolute favorite smell for my laundry. There are endless brands out their to choose from, so that’s totally up to you. My favorite brand is Young Living.

My personal reasons for choosing Young Living:
- High Quality Essential Oils
- Seed to Seal
- 24% Whole Sale Member Discount
- Essential Rewards Program – its like the 5% off Target gives you for shopping with their Red Card, but better. With Essential Rewards you can get up to 25% off and earn free products! That itself is a winner!
- Essential Education free provided by Young Living
- DIY Recipes from Young Living
- Group community & I have gained new friends through this community.
- Best of all you DON’T have to sell and you still get all these amazing deals.
There are so many more to list good reasons to chose Young Living. However you can take a look on Young Livings Member Benefits if you’d like to learn more about the benefits.

I love that these come in a reusable bag to store them and they have easy quick instructions on how to use them in both English & Spanish.
Reasons Why I Chose To Convert To Dryer Balls:
- 100% Natural New Zealand Wool
- Reduces Static
- Reduces Drying Time
- Chemical Free
- Eco-Friendly
- Zero Waste
- Saves Money
- Easy To Use
- Reusable
- Color Safe on Whites & Colored Clothing
I was able to benefit from all these amazing reasons listed. Once I stopped buying dryer sheets, as a result I was able to cut cost and in turn helped save my family money. Money that could be used to invest in other home safer products.
Happy Drying! 😉